Icicle Fund Community Grants
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Please note: If creating an account or applying in an online system is a barrier, please contact us at info@iciclefund.org.
Community Grants are one- or two-year unrestricted grants for non-profit organizations that enhance North Central Washington as a region where nature, the arts, and the area’s natural and human history encourage appreciation, understanding and stewardship of this special place. With these unrestricted grants, nonprofits have the flexibility to do their most important work in the community in innovative and impactful ways as they invest in programs, salaries/benefits, technology, capacity-building, communications, and other efforts that strengthen the organization and its long-term mission delivery.
The application deadline is December 1st at 11:59 PM and award recipients will be notified by April 1st, 2025. Applications received by November 20th will be reviewed for completeness, not content, by Icicle Fund staff, with the opportunity to resubmit by December 1st if corrections are needed.
Grants are made possible by the generosity of our founder, Harriet Bullitt, and by the net profits from her gift of Sleeping Lady Mountain Resort to Icicle Fund.
Who can apply?
Icicle Fund Community Grants support the work of qualifying nonprofit organizations that serve Chelan, Douglas, Grant, and/or Okanogan counties and have the arts, history, or environment as a core component of their mission.
Please note the increased focus on alignment between Icicle Fund’s mission and this year’s eligibility requirements.
See our Mission and Eligibility Requirements for more details.
Organizations must take a year off after four consecutive years of Icicle Fund grant funding. This starts with grants awarded in 2022. Two-year grants are available to organizations that have received an Icicle Fund grant in 2020 or later, but not consecutively since 2022. Other organizations are eligible for a one-year grant.
Icicle Fund's mission is to support the environment, the arts, and history through collaboration in Chelan, Douglas, Grant, and Okanogan counties.
Organizations with a broader geographic service area or scope of work are eligible to apply as long as arts, history, and/or the environment is a core component of the organization's mission and the organization’s service area includes Chelan, Douglas, Okanogan, and/or Grant counties.
Please note that while mission-aligned organizations primarily working outside Chelan, Douglas, Grant, and/or Okanogan counties may be considered for funding, those that predominately serve the NCW region will receive higher priority from the Icicle Fund.
This is a competitive grant program, awarding grants to an average of 45% of submitted proposals. Grant awards have historically been between $3,000- $35,000, with most between $10,000-$15,000. The minimum grant amount is $3,000. We encourage you to review our Recent Awards to see the amounts and organizations we have funded in previous years.
To apply, please go to our Grant Management System and follow the application instructions. Please note the grant application will not be available until October 15, 2024.
Tip: Once you are in the application form, you can invite others to collaborate with you by clicking the Collaboration button at the top.
To preview, click on application forms and templates links below.
Tip: To preview Word or Excel versions of the application forms, click the links below.
What support is available?
Optional Informational Webinar 10/24/24. Learn about eligibility changes, funding priorities and the grant schedule. Watch the recorded webinar here!
Until November 10th, time can be scheduled to meet with our staff. Click on the relevant topic below to set up an appointment.
Optional Pre-Application Check-In Appointment with Program Officer, Michelle Tiegel (October 17 - November 7, 2024) to talk about your questions regarding the grant program and for you to share your ideas and organization’s needs.
Optional Financial Reporting Review with Operations Officer, Tiffany Brine-Davies (October 18 - November 18, 2024) click link to email us to schedule coaching on financial report requirements for the application.
You are also welcome to reach out to us with specific questions via email at info@iciclefund.org or call us at 509-548-0429. However, we encourage you to book a time using the links above if you need more in-depth conversation or help. That way we can ensure you get the support you need in a timely manner.
How are applications evaluated?
Applications are reviewed by professionals in the arts, environment, and history with connection to NCW
Decisions are guided by Icicle Fund’s belief statements about the arts, history, and environment. During the review process, we prioritize funding based on these beliefs and the following key areas:
strength of the organizational leadership and its planfulness
potential impact of the organization in fostering an appreciation, understanding, and stewardship of the natural and cultural resources of North Central Washington
extent to which the organization embraces the full NCW community in terms of access to its services and in its leadership
extent to which collaborative relationships have increased the impact of multiple organizations
strength of the organization’s financial sustainability & management
Expectations in these key areas depend on the maturity and size of an individual organization
Applications Open: October 15, 2024
Optional Informational Webinar: October 24, 2024, 10:00- 11:00 AM
Optional Review for Completeness Deadline: November 20, 2024, at 11:59 PM
Applications Closed: December 1, 2024, at 11:59 PM
Review by panels of NCW arts, history, and environment professionals: December 2024 - February 2025
Decision by the Icicle Fund Board: March 2025
Grant period starts: April 2025
1-year grant period ends: April 2026
1-year grant period final report due: May 2026
2-year grant period ends: April 2027
2-year grant period progress report due: April 2026
2-year grant period final report due May 2027
Questions? We encourage you to contact us at info@iciclefund.org