
Icicle Fund envisions a future where intact North Central Washington landscapes provide opportunities for all people to connect with land and water, fostering a long-term commitment to place.

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we believe that

  • A healthy environment supports plants, animals, and humans while driving a strong economy

  • Protecting land and water sustains natural systems and species, and increases our communities’ resilience to climate change

  • Environmental education deepens the appreciation, understanding and desire to care for our natural world

  • Access to land and water, along with recreational opportunities, can nurture the human spirit, transform lives, and connect people to place

  • Community engagement throughout conservation work is critical for healthy human and natural ecosystems

  • Collaboration between schools and environmental nonprofits offer a unique opportunity to inspire all students to make a lifelong connection with the natural world

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Funding priorities:

Our grant decisions align with the beliefs stated above. We support organizations that foster an appreciation, understanding and stewardship of NCW through conservation, environmental education, and access to lands and water.

Below are just a few examples of recent environmental related projects and organizations that we have been proud to support.

Click on the image to learn more.

You can find other examples of previously funded organizations and projects under Success Stories and Recent Awards.

Our Lead Partner Organizations in the environment