Eligibility Requirements


Grant funding is available to qualifying nonprofit organizations that serve Chelan, Douglas, Grant, and/or Okanogan counties and have the arts, history, or environment as a core component of their mission.


Eligible for funding are organizations under IRC section 509(a)(1) or 509(a)(2) that meet the following criteria, 

  • 501(c)3 Nonprofits with Public Charity Status (Not a Private Foundation) 

  • Public Schools that have the arts, history, or the environment as a core component of their mission. (Individual schools within a district may apply separately. Only one application per school will be considered. Districts may apply for programs with district-wide impact. Applications must be submitted from the principal’s office for school applications and from the superintendent’s office for district-wide applications.) 

  • Local, City, or Tribal Governmental Organizations that have the arts, history, or the environment as a core component of their mission. (Please contact the Fund before proceeding with an application.) 

  • Faith-based Organizations that have the arts, history, or the environment as a core component of their mission. (Grants will not be made for religious purposes, but non-religious programs offered to the broader community may be eligible.) 

Charitable nonprofits that meet the mission and service area requirements but do not meet the qualifying non-profit status criteria, can be fiscally sponsored by an organization that does. 


  • We do not consider grants to or for the benefit of private individuals, political candidates, political parties, or lobbyists. 

  • We do not consider grants for litigation, debt retirement or purchases/activities that occur prior to grant decisions. 

  • We do not consider grants to private schools or colleges.

  • We do not consider grants to other charitable foundations for regranting. 

  • We do not consider grants to federal or state governmental organizations.


  • Your organization must comply with all federal law regarding non-discrimination in its policies and practices with regard to sex, race, color, marital status, national origin, religious affiliation, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, veteran status, and age. 

  • Your organization may apply for only one Icicle Fund grant per year. Fiscal sponsors may apply for a grant for their own organization in addition to sponsoring applications from other charitable organizations. 

  • If your organization is a current Icicle Fund grantee, you must submit a progress or final report on any current grant from the Icicle Fund by the time you apply for a new grant. For your convenience, the progress report for a previous grant is now included in the application form for a new grant.

  • Two-year grants are available to organizations that have received an Icicle Fund grant in 2020 or later. Other organizations are eligible for a one-year grant. Organizations must take a year off after four consecutive years of Icicle Fund grant funding. This will start with grants awarded in 2022. If your organization has been funded consecutively since 2022, it will be eligible for a one-year request in Fall of 2024.

QUESTIONS? If you are unsure about your organization’s ELIGIBILITY, please contact us at info@iciclefund.org.